We are pleased to announce the launch of our new website for Charmouth Tennis Club. The old website had become very dated and difficult to maintain. The new website has a more modern look, is secure and mobile friendly. You will find the new website at: charmouthtennisclub.org; it includes a couple of new features:
There is now a News feature which will be used by the club to publish News articles; it is hoped that this will become the primary method of communicating club news or information to club members. When a new article is published by the club, anyone subscribed to the News service, will be sent an email with a link to the News article.
All current members with a known email address have initially been subscribed to the News service by the club. If you do not wish to continue receiving News updates, then you can unsubscribe by following the UNSUBSCRIBE link at the end of any News Update email that you receive.
For those club members who do not have an email address they will receive important club news as normal by notices posted in the clubhouse or by regular mail, e.g., the annual newsletter.
Club Sessions:
We are trialling a new feature which may help some members when they are considering attending one of our designated club sessions. This is not a booking system; it is just a way letting other members know their intentions of going to a particular club session. We know some groups of club members are already communicating via WhatsApp, this is not intended to replace any existing arrangements, but to add an alternative.

We hope you like the look of the new website, but please do let us know if you spot any mistakes, things not working, not looking right or anything else. The club contact email address is now: